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Tampa Personal Injury Blogs from August, 2014

Information Concerning Florida's Dram Shop Act


Florida's Dram Shop Act, referred to as liability for injury or damage resulting from intoxication is found in Section 768.125, Florida Statutes. The Dram Shop Act can hold individuals and/or establishments responsible for the acts of drunk drivers when they have furnished alcohol to someone that causes injury or harm to themselves or others. Our Tampa Personal Injury Attorneys actively handle motor vehicle cases involving alcohol, including cases against establishments that furnished the alcohol to the drunk driver.

In order for you to have a claim against the furnishing establishment, you must be able to show that the establishment willfully and unlawfully sold or furnished alcohol to a minor. The establishment can also be responsible for the injuries caused by a drunk driver if the establishment knowingly served a person who was "habitually addicted" to alcohol. Most often the furnishing establishment is a bar, night club or restaurant that serves alcohol. However, many other establishments such as gas stations, convenient stores and grocery stores can also be responsible for injuries and harms under the Dram Shop Act.

Our lawyers handle automobile cases involving drunk drivers against the drunk driver and the furnishing establishment throughout the State of Florida, including Hernando County, Hillsborough County, Pasco County, Pinellas County, Manatee County, Polk County, Orange County and Sarasota County. Should you have any questions regarding a possible drunk driving accident against an establishment that furnished the alcohol, please contact us, your Tampa Personal Injury Attorneys.

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