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Tampa Personal Injury Blogs from March, 2012

Bicycle Injury & Helmet Law Information


Bicycle accidents have increased over the past few years in Florida. While many Floridians enjoy biking in the Florida sun, many bicyclists are simply not familiar with the laws regarding bicycle riding and/or the use of helmets while biking. Our Tampa Bicycle Accident Attorneys have represented numerous bicyclists who have been injured by the negligence of others.

Florida law requires bicycle riders and passengers who are under 16 years of age to wear a bicycle helmet that is properly fitted and fastened securely upon the head by a strap and that meets the standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANZI Z 90.4 Bicycle Helmet Standards) or the standards of the Snell Memorial Foundation (1984 Standard for Protective Headgear for Use in Bicycling). This law also applies to a child who is riding in a trailer or semi-trailer attached to a bicycle.

Florida law prohibits individuals and/or entities from renting or leasing any bicycle to be ridden by a child under the age of 16 unless the:

-the child possess a bicycle helmet; or

-the lessor provides a bicycle helmet for the child that meets industry standards.

Our attorneys have litigated numerous prior cases involving bicycle accident victims who have been injured through the negligence of motorists in Hernando, Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Manatee, Polk and Orange County. If you or a loved one have been injured while riding a bike as the direct result of negligence of another motorist, please contact us, your Tampa Personal Injury Attorneys.

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